Glossary of Quechua and Andean Words:
Apu - The spirit of a mountain, a star, or other natural feature
Ayni - To walk in balance in all three worlds of Andean reality. Based on the idea of divine reciprocity. Similar to the Christian concept of existing in a state of grace.
Capacocha - The sacrificial rite held on the summer solstice. This rite was initiated by the ninth Inca, Pachacuti, and involved the sacrifice of a child from each lineage.
Capac Rayni - One of the major Incan festivals of the year. It was held on December 22, the summer solstice.
Collca - Granary; a name for the Pleiades star cluster
Coto - A handful of seeds; another name for the Pleiades
Gawag - The third eye
Goya - The female counterpart of the Incan ruler, or Sapa Inca
Hanaqpacha - The superior world. This is the third level of Andean reality and it is represented by the condor. It is the home of the higher energies and supernatural spirits.
Hauca - A holy or sacred place
Inca/Inka - The illuminated one(s). This term was generally reserved for royalty.
Intihuatana - A large stone used for calendric functions utilizing shadows cast by the sun
Kausay Pacha - The energy universe
Kuraq - A great visionary
Kaypacha - The second level of Andean reality symbolized by the puma. The ordinary world that we perceive with the five senses.
Ilankay - The power associated with the physical; the ability to manifest. The body-centered person.
Malku - A man who has reached the fifth level of consciousness
Mallqui - A tree; an ancestor
Mamacona - The legendary Virgins of the Sun, the select women who were specially trained in the ancient arts and who were dedicated to the service of the pachamama.
Mastay - A great gathering of people or reintegration
Mayu - The Milky Way, our galaxy. Also known as the sacred cosmic river.
Mesayog - One who works with supernatural spirits
Mosoq Karpay - A special ceremony in which, through an energetic transmission, the seed of transformation is given.
Munay - The power associated with the soul, love, and feeling. The heart-centered person.
Nusta - A woman who has reached the fifth level of consciousness
Pacha - The mother or the cosmos
Pachacuti - A time of great physical or psychological transtormation. Also the name of the ninth Inca.
Pachamama - The Earth and all of physical creation. The feminine aspect of deity. The great Cosmic Mother, a living being that is the source of all life.
Pachamag - A name for the energy of the Cosmic Father
Pag'o - A shaman
Pampa Mesayog - An expert healer who works with the earth energies
Panya - By some accounts, the ordinary reality that is based on linear time and that we perceive with the physical senses. More accurately, the right side of the Andean mystical path associated with the masculine. The ordinary or left brain.
Paqarinas - Places of origin or emergence from other dimensions into this time/space, such as trees, caves, and springs.
Q'ero - According to Alberto Villodo, a long-haired one, a person of knowledge, one who has healing powers. A group of Indians believed to be the last direct descendants of the Inca.
Q'ollorit'i - The annual Festival of the Snow Star, sometimes called the Return of the Pleiades
Quipuscamayocs - The record keepers. Records were kept by the arrangement of knots tied on a cord. The record keepers had the task of remembering what each knot meant. Most of the quipus were destroyed at the time of the conquest.
Quipus - The knotted cords by which records were kept
Sapa - The Royal Inca ruler. The term sapa denotes an individual who has reached the sixth level of consciousness.
Tage - The third stage of relationship. The stage noted by communion, where the energy bodies interweave; also a joiner of energy fields.
Tage Onkay - The great interweaving; the great gathering of the tribes
Taripay Pacha - The golden age foretold in the prophecies
Tinkuy - The first stage of relationship, the encounter, where two energy bodies make contact
Tupay - The second stage of relationship. In this stage the energy bodies size each other up and feel out the potential of the encounter. The confrontation stage.
Ukhapacha - The first level of Andean reality symbolized by the serpent. Known as the underground, this world is the realm of invisible things and spirits.
Uru Pachacuti - The transformation of the world due to water. The Great Flood.
Waka - The holy statute that held the divine power of the lineage. Each tribe or lineage had their own waka. They believed that the waka connected them to the stars from where they originated.
Wiraccocha - The Creator
Yachay - The power of people who have knowledge and well-developed mental abilities. The mind-centered person.
Yanantin - Opposites such as male and female, light and dark, viewed together as complementary pairs
Yoge - By some accounts, the non-ordinary world that functions in sacred time or dreamtime. More accurately, the left side of the Andean mystical path associated with the feminine, the right brain, and intuition.