The Sun is the father and the Earth is the mother and their parents are one - Illa Tici Viracocha (Wiraccocha) - neither male nor female, energy in its purest form. This is the basis of all Andean shamanism. It is a principle of reciprocity. You make ayni to the Pachamama, the Mother Earth, and she is pleased and returns your gift with fertility and abundance. You make ayni to the Sun, and he returns your gift with warmth and light.
The Apus, the great mountain peaks, give you strength to endure your work; the heavens give you harmony. Make ayni to all people and they will honor you in return. It is a wonderful principle.
They say that the shaman lives in perfect ayni - the universe reciprocates his every action, mirrors his intent back to him, as he is a mirror to others. That is why the shaman lives in synchronicity with Nature. The shaman's world mirrors the shaman's will and intent and actions.
When we walk in perfect ayni, everything is sacred. We perceive, think, act, and speak from the heightened understanding of the sacred nature of all of existence. The world then mirrors back to us what we are - also sacred.
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