When we express negative emotions such as fear, hate, and anger, we are involved with dense energies and lower frequency currents. By contrast, when we express more positive emotions like love and kindness, we are dealing with more refined energies and higher frequency currents. The lower the frequency, the less consciousness and light; the higher the frequency, the more consciousness and light. We are dynamic beings of light capable of regulating the energy that flows through our systems with our thoughts and intents. Quantum physics has shown that the nature of light as we perceive it depends solely on the intention of the perceiver, since whether light takes the form of a wave or a particle depends on the intent of the observer.
The Light that flows through your system is Universal energy. It is the Light of the Universe. You give that Light form. What you feel, what you think, how you behave, what you value and how you live your life reflect the way you are shaping the light that is flowing through you. They are thought forms, the feeling forms and the outer forms that you have given to Light. They reflect the configuration of your personality, your space-time being.
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