However long and far you travel, you will always arrive again at your point of departure.
The Birds have departed by the thousands; travelling for many years, crossing summits and chasms, they have spent almost all their lives in this voyage. However, out of these thousands, there are only a small number left who listened to the hoopoe's warning so as to arrive at the sublime goal. The vast majority disappear, some of them submerged in the Ocean, others stuck on high summits, and still others baked to a crisp by the harsh sun, devoured by ferocious beasts, or simply exhausted by fatigue in the desert. Even more sadly, some of them kill each other, or stop in a group at some place, drawn into vain pleasures there, and finally die after having forgotten the object of their quest. In sum, out of the thousands of birds who originally filled the universe, only thirty are left. And even they have been exhausted, broken, their souls flattened and their hearts broken.
None can undo knots which still bind your feet, other than those who tied them. Therefore, I shall send a Messenger unto them, who shall command them to remove the bonds from you. Now go forth, happy, and satisfied.
Brothers in Truth! Retreat within yourselves, just as the hedgehog retreats, showing its hidden being only in solitude, and hiding its apparent being. As God is my witness! It is your hidden being which must appear, whereas it is your apparent being which must disappear.
Brothers in Truth! Shed your skin as does the serpent. Tread your path like an ant, whose steps no one hears...Imbibe poison, so as to stay alive. Love death, so as to remain among the living. Stay always in flight, and do not choose the nest which is apparent, for it is in the nest that birds are captured.
If you are Khezr, you, too, can pass beyond Mount Qâf without difficulty.
Nâ-Kojâ-Abâd: the country of non-where.
It was not I who moved, but He moved me; and that I did not act, but He acted through me.
Ucler, yediler, kirklar.
Hepiniz de Adem evladisiniz; Ademse topraktan yaratilmistir; artik soyla-boyla, babayla, atayla ovunen toplumun devri bitsin; yoksa Allah katinda bok boceginden de asagi olursunuz.
Sufi yer yuzune benzer; ona her kotu sey atilir; fakat ondan ancak guzel ve temiz seyler biter; ustunde iyi de gezer kotu de. Bulut gibidir sufi; her yere, her seye golge salar; yagmur gibidir; herkesi sular. Sufiyi, disi bezenmis gordun mu, bil ki ici harap olmustur.
What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
Do you know what Adolf Hitler told his military commanders to convince them that his plan would work? - "Who remembers the extermination of the Armenians?"
Dun gece sen uyurken ismini fisildadim
Ve hayvanlarin korkunc oykulerini anlattim
Dun gece sen uyurken ciceklere su verdim
Ve insanlarin korkunc oykulerini anlattim onlara
Dun gece sen uyurken yuregim bir yildiz gibi baglandi sana
Iste bu yuzden sirf bu yuzden yeni bir isim verdim sana
Dolce far niente (sweetness of doing nothing)
Scene 1 : In the Cave… - Sahne 1: Magarada...

Oh hello little dears, - Merhaba kucuk sevimli seyler,

come over here to me… - buraya bana dogru gelin...

Caaawww caaawwwwwww - Caaavvv caaavvvvvvv

If I speak like this, - Bu sekilde konusursam,

I might caaaaausse a stttiiirrrr - Belki birrr seyleri harekete gecirebilirimmmm

I might make something - Beklenmedik bir seyin olmasina

unexpected happen. - sebep olabilirim.

When I curl my lips - Dudaklarimi oynatinca

sometimes I feel electricity - bazen bir elektrik akimi hissediyorum

buzz down my moustache hairs. - biyiklarimin altinda vizildayan.

My voice has power - Sesimin birseyleri gercege donusturebilen

to make things become real. - bir gucu var.


I have lived here - Ben orada yasadim

for a while. - bir sureligine.

How long I can’t remember. - Ne kadar sure oldugunu hatirlamiyorum.

I can feed on what - Etrafimda nelerin var oldugunu

is around me here. - hissedebiliyorum.

The rock and water - Kayalar ve su

sustains me. - beni besliyor.

I eat the spirit. - Ben ruh ile besleniyorum.

Time is different, - Zaman farkli bir hal almis,

I see things in shades, - Herseyi golgeler halinde goruyorum,

everything colours everything. - hersey herseye renk veriyor.


I need to move - Buradaki bazi taslari

some rocks around this plaaaace. - yerinden oynatmaliyiiim

It is out of order, - Hersey karmakarisik,

but when you make one change - ama ne zaman bir seyi degistirirsen

another might happen. - baska birseye neden olabilirsin.

I sit here in the middle - Burada herseyin ortasinda oturuyorum

of the energy watershed. - butun enerjilerin ayrildigi noktada.

If I change something here, - Burada bir seyi degistirecek olursam,

people will get strange urgings. - insanlar garip seyler arzulayabilir.

A magnetic draw - Bir miknatisin iki kutba dogru olan

out of their pores - cekim gucu gibi

Making mist pour - Onlarin gozbebeklerinden

out their eyeballs. - buhar akimlari cikabilir.


The imaginary stems - Hayal urunu olan seyler

from a spring near by. - bir pinarin ucundan yukseliyor.

As it flows out from here - Onlar buradan yukselirken

I can cradle each stream, - Ben her buhar parcacigini kucakliyorum,

curve it around. - ve kendi etrafinda donduruyorum.

Every corner of this continent - Bu kitanin her bir kosesi

is fed by this. - bununla besleniyor.

The water you drink - Ictigin suya

I have touched. - ben dokundum.


Scene 2 : Dream Spell… - Sahne 2: Ruya Buyusu...

Come with me down to paradise, - Gel benimle cennete dogru,

bring all your things, - herseyini beraberinde getir,

leave nothing behind. - arkanda hic birsey birakma.

Embrace the full power, - Butun enerjini kucakla,

release your inhibitions, - butun engelleri ortadan kaldir,

let the waters take you into - izin ver sularin akintisi seni

a blue ecstasy. - mavi bir vecde gotursun.

Let freedom flow through - Izin ver ozgurluk ellerinden

your hands. - akip gitsin.

Your toes tingle, - Ayaklarin huzurla ve keyifle,

in comfort and bliss, - karincalanacak.

they sing to you - onlar sana bir zamanlarin sarkisini soyleyecekler

of a time when there were no - coraplarin ve ayakkabilarin daha var olmadigi

socks or shoes. - bir zamanin.

Leave nothing behind - Arkanda hic birsey birakma

Don’t forget your luggage - Valizini de unutma,

you will always need it. - cunku ona her zaman ihtiyacin olacak.


Where we go is bright. - Gidecegimiz yer aydinlik.

Your body will be crushed - Vucudunun her zerresi sikisacak

by the waters, - sularin akintisi ile,

taken into a secret place, - gizli bir yere goturuleceksin,

you will be transformed. - bir donusum gecireceksin.


What will you see - Kafanin icinde

in your mind, - neler goreceksin,

when you are totally different? - hersey eskisinden tamamen farkli oldugunda?

Nothing will look the same - Hic birsey gozune ayni gozukmeyecek

after you cross over. - bu karsilasmadan sonra.

Imagine the potential! - Olabilecekleri hayal et!

A new state of mind, - Yeni bir ruh hali,

no one will ever again - bundan sonra hic kimse

recognize you. - seni taniyamayacak.


Scene 3 : Casino Place… - Sahne 3: Kumarhane'de...


Fill my bank bank bank - Banka mi parayla doldur parayla

Hee hee! - Ha ha!

I like to be rich and richer. - Daha cok, daha cok zengin olmak istiyorum.

I can hear, beautiful droplets, - Dolan paralarin guzel sesini duyuyorum,

speckles of wealth and power. - cil cil zenginlik ve gucu esinlendiriyor.

I never walk to the bank, - Ben hicbir zaman bankaya yurumem,

I only slide down - Oraya sadece bir dag buzulunun ustunden

a glacier to get there. - kayarak inerim.

I’ve built one - Onu ben insa ettim

onto my largest casino. - sahip oldugum en buyuk kumarhanemin ustune.

All year I cool an - Butun bir sene boyunca,

ice palace - etrafimda bulunan isiyi donusturerek

using thermal inversion. - buzdan bir saray insa ederim.

It is arranged for - Ici misafirlerin

the freedom of its guests, - istekleri oraninda duzenlenmistir,

for them to do - onlar kendilerini memnun edecek

whatever they please, - herseyi yapabilsinler diye,

to sleep in late, - gece yataga gec girmek

whatever. - gibi.

Between the rooms, - Odalarin arasinda,

large ice mirrors - buzdan buyuk aynalar var

are the perfect vanities. - mukemmel gosterisli.

Mirrors into different - Bunlar oldugundan farkli gosteren

ways of being. - aynalar.


In the city, - Sehrin icinde,

I have arranged in perfect order - Butun mal ve mulkum mukemmel bir duzen

all my properties. - icindedir.

You can travel between them - Aralarinda tunellerle dolasarak

though tunnels, - seyahat edebilirsin,

it is a fun factory, - eglenceli bir fabrika gibi,

a place to live - en cilgin dileklerini

your wildest wishes, - yasayabilecegin bir yer,

throw caution to the wind, - ruzgara karsi ihtiyatli,

and embrace the future. - gelecegi kucaklayabilecegin bir yer.

Never mind yesterday, - Gecmisi dusunme,

you are new today. - sen bugun yeni birisin.


Scene 4 : Space Travel - Sahne 4: Uzay Yolculugu

I’m filling packets of green - Bir yigin yesil

nutritious jell-o - jole uzerinde

for long term travel. - yolculuga cikiyorum.

We could escape and return - Buradan kacip daha sonra

with solar bounty - gunesin comertligiyle geri donebiliriz.

Imagine drips of yellow rays - Alt dudagindan damlayan

falling down your bottom lip. - sari gunes isinlarini hayal et.

They are very tasty. - Onlarin tadina doyum olmaz.


I will send someone, - Eger gunesin enerjisini yakalayabilirsem,

if I could trap the sun’s energy, - oraya birini gonderecegim,

there are limitless possibilities. - orada sonsuz olanaklar var.

Go nowww! - Git simdi!

Fly on solar winds, - Gunesli ruzgarlarda savrul,

and taste asteroid dust. - ve kucuk gezegenlerin tozunu yut.

It will provide your mind - Ben aklinin butun iplerini

with an edge. - salacagim.


There is a crisis brewing, - Bir kriz patlak vermek uzere,

if you dig down, - eger yeterince derine kazarsan,

you might find - henuz islenmemis bir ic cekis

an untapped sigh, - bulabilirsin,

another potential source. - bir baska aciga cikmamis kaynaklardan biri.

Sprinkle star dust on - Yildiz tozlari serpistir

the roots of a tomato, - Bir domatesin kokleri uzerine,

feed it to your unrequited love. - ve karsilik gormeyen sevgini doyur.
Linda Linda, oh Linda...
Listen, you fuckers, you screwheads. Here is a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit. Here is a man who stood up.
All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets. I go all over. I take people to the Bronx, Brooklyn, I take 'em to Harlem. I don't care. Don't make no difference to me. It does to some. Some won't even take spooks. Don't make no difference to me.
You talkin' to me?
... You talkin' to me?
... You talkin' to me?
... Then who the hell else are you talking... you talking to me?
... Well I'm the only one here.
... Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?
... Oh yeah?
... OK.
In my own little world it hardly ever rains
I’ve never gone hungry, always felt safe
I got some money in my pocket, shoes on my feet
In my own little world
Population me

I try to stay awake during Sunday morning church
I throw a twenty in the plate, but I never give ’til it hurts
I turn off the news when I don’t like what I see
It’s easy to do when it’s
Population me

What if there’s a bigger picture?
What if I’m missing out?
What if there’s a greater purpose
I could be living right now
Outside my own little world

When I stopped at a red light, looked out my window
I saw a cardboard sign, said “Help this homeless widow”
And above that sign was the face of a human
I thought to myself, “God, what have I been doing?”

So I rolled down the window and I looked her in the eye
Oh, how many times have I just passed her by?
I gave her some money then I drove on through
And my own little world reached
Population two

What if there’s a bigger picture?
What if I’m missing out?
What if there’s a greater purpose
That I could be living right now
Outside my own little world

Father break my heart for what breaks Yours
Give me open hands and open doors
Put Your light in my eyes and let me see
That my own little world is not about me

What if there’s a bigger picture?
What if I’m missing out?
What if there’s a greater purpose
That I could be living right now

I don't want to miss what matters
I wanna be reaching out
Show me the greater purpose
So I can start living right now
Outside my own little world
Iyisiyle, kotusuyle. Kadehimi 2010 yazina kaldiriyorum..
Man is not the sum of what he has already, but rather the sum of what he does not yet have, of what he could have.
Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.
Existence precedes and rules essence.
Everything has been figured out, except how to live.
We have not only traveled through the land of pure understanding, and carefully inspected each part of it, but we have also surveyed it, and determined the place for each thing in it. But this land is an island, and enclosed in unalterable boundaries by nature itself. It is the land of truth (a charming name), surrounded by a broad and stormy ocean, the true seat of illusion, where many a fog bank and rapidly melting iceberg pretend to be new lands and, ceaselessly deceiving with empty hopes the voyager looking around for new discoveries, entwine him in adventures from which he can never escape and yet also never bring to an end.