The masters will continue their work of evolving humanity. The people who want it will make it happen. Peace cannot be stopped.
Remember that Pachamama receives all your heavy energy as a gift, like fertilizer, that enriches her soil where we plant our intentions so they may grow to fruition.
The Earth cleanses and transforms us. The Water washes and balances us. The Air purifies and enlightens us. The Fire transmutes and sanctifies us.

Spirit of the South, Spirit of the Fire, burn away my doubts and fears, my preoccupations and my impatience. Transmute my heavy energy into refined golden light. Ignite in me your passion and compassion, energize me with your sun’s rays. Sanctify me. Help me to dare.

Spirit of the West, Spirit of the Earth, thank you for abundant life and continued growth. Cleanse and transform me. Receive my heavy energy as fertilizer for your precious soil that brings new life.

Spirit of the North, Spirit of the Air, purify me. Spirit of wisdom, knowledge and grace, blow through me and release all that blocks me from connecting with your infinite vastness. Amplify my awareness and expand my consciousness. Help me to know all that you know.

Spirit of the East, Spirit of the Water, wash me, clean me, sooth me, smooth me, balance me. Help me to be silent.
There is no judgement or condemnation, no right or wrong, only possibilities.
I am learning to use the power of my intention (image and energy) rather than the force of my will (physical and mental).
Energy is everything and everywhere. It is a luminous thread that connects creation and all of us to each other and to the infinite…It can be used to transmute, transform and heal anything, anywhere.
No one can give you what you are not willing to claim yourself.

Ayni: Reciprocity. As we give we receive and as we receive, we give.

We must learn to connect with the elements and give thanks often to Pachamama (mother earth), Tahita Inti (father sun) and Wiracocha (creator/spirit). We must work (ilankay), learn wisdom (yachay) and love (munay).
Taripay Pacha: The age of meeting ourselves again
We are all alive at a very special time, a time of big and important change. Whether you believe you chose to be alive at this moment or it was just by chance doesn’t really matter. You have the opportunity to choose now whether or not you want to actively contribute to this new awakening in a positive way.
Practise giving thanks for what you want, as if it has already been given to you.
The universe conspires to assist us.
When you want to conquer it is to have more, when you want to explore it is to know more.
Varolan enerji kaybolmaz.