vulnerability doesn’t mean telling
others what happened to us from
across a cafe table or from behind a
and then going home from the
experience feeling just as alone as
you did before
vulnerability means allowing your
human heart blanket to get sewn to
other heart blankets
it’s about connection
we don’t share for status
we do it for synergy
we don’t confess for clout
we do it to build community
we tell our tale
to invite others
to tell theirs
it’s the sacred cycle
of storytelling
we gather in a circle of trust and
say “here is my journey”
then we listen to
the other journeys
that are shared
we take space
then we give space
we pour
then we absorb
we speak
then we listen
we are storytellers
then we are witnesses
vulnerability isn’t just about
grave digging in our past
to expose our skeletons
it’s about sewing quilts
here is my patch
here is your patch
here is their patch
here is us
here is our story
others what happened to us from
across a cafe table or from behind a
and then going home from the
experience feeling just as alone as
you did before
vulnerability means allowing your
human heart blanket to get sewn to
other heart blankets
it’s about connection
we don’t share for status
we do it for synergy
we don’t confess for clout
we do it to build community
we tell our tale
to invite others
to tell theirs
it’s the sacred cycle
of storytelling
we gather in a circle of trust and
say “here is my journey”
then we listen to
the other journeys
that are shared
we take space
then we give space
we pour
then we absorb
we speak
then we listen
we are storytellers
then we are witnesses
vulnerability isn’t just about
grave digging in our past
to expose our skeletons
it’s about sewing quilts
here is my patch
here is your patch
here is their patch
here is us
here is our story